No-Waste Flying Geese Quilt Blocks
This no-waste method of making flying geese quilt blocks teaches you how to sew small pieces of fabric onto a larger piece of fabric creating four flying geese quilt blocks. This technique is excellent as it produces no waste and efficiently makes four flying geese blocks simultaneously.
What Are Flying Geese Quilt Blocks?
Flying geese quilt blocks are the foundation of many quilts. They are typically what create the points in star quilts such as my Picnic Quilt or Star Check Quilt. It is a rectangular block that is twice as tall as it is wide with a central point. They make great borders or accents and are a great way to use up scraps.
How to make Flying Geese Quilt Blocks
First, be sure to download my free chart that you can find in my resource library by signing up below.

Draw a line using your favorite marking tools down the back of your four small squares from corner to corner.

Line two small squares up right sides together on the large square from corner to corner as shown. Sew down 1/4″ away on each side of the drawn lines.

Tip: When lining up the small blocks, it’s better to have them slightly hanging over the edge of the large block instead of slightly under. This will give you a larger goose with more room for squaring up at the end.

Using a ruler and rotary cutter, cut a straight line down your drawn line, directly in between the two seams.

Press the two triangles out.

With the two half blocks and two small squares, line a square up on each block from corner to corner as shown, right sides together. Again, sew down 1/4″ away from the drawn line on each side.

Cut down the drawn lines. Using your mat to line them up, you can quickly cut multiples at once.

Press the triangles out, to reveal the four flying geese quilt blocks.

Using the ruler necessary for the size of flying geese chosen, trim the blocks down to the finished size.
Tips: You want the point to line up with the 1/4″ of the ruler. This gives you the 1/4″ seam allowance needed for perfect points.

Ta-Da! You now have four flying geese!
I am using mine as the points for my Halloween scrappy Star Check quilt. They are turning out so cool!
I’ve used this method in many of my quilt patterns. To see for yourself check out my Sunday Stroll Picnic Quilt or my Scrappy Country Churn Quilt
If you haven’t yet be sure to sign up for my Free Resource Library where you can not only grab my flying geese chart but also a free Half Square Triangle Cheat Sheet, a quilt retreat packing list, and much more!

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