This week has been a busy one for me but I managed to get my four blocks done, and am working on coming up with a design for that alternate sashing option. I can’t wait to share it with you!
Don’t forget if you are on Instagram please be sure to tag me @bretquiltdesigns in all of your posts and use the hashtag #pumpkinpatchedquilt.
Quilt Along Schedule
Each Monday for the next 5 Mondays you will be receiving a weekly email prompt with the week’s tasks and instructions for the week’s pumpkin patched quilt along.

If you haven’t picked up your pattern yet, you can do so here: Bre T Quilt Designs Shop
If you are just joining in, you can find all of the information on my blog.

I hope your blocks this past week went together easily.
I seriously have so much fun watching the blocks turn into pumpkins!
How did the Half-square rectangles go for you?
Refer back to Week Two‘s post for piecing tips and tricks!

Week Three’s Giveaway
Is a FREE table runner pattern!
This pumpkin patched table runner is a blast to make!
It is an add-on to the original pattern, so you must own the Pumpkin Patched Pattern to be able to make this table runner. It finishes at 48″ x 18.5″. It was written for a large table however, I’m sure you can modify this down to fit a smaller table. If you need help let me know. 🙂

To get your hands on this awesome free table runner pattern, you need to gain access to my quilt resource library. You can do this by signing up for my newsletter.
Not only will you be able to download this chart, but you will also gain access to free patterns and other resources such as this patchwork pattern or this quilt retreat checklist. This library is quickly growing! Be sure to check your email after signing up for the password.
Note: I am the only one that has tested this pattern. This means some things that make perfect sense in my head, could possibly not make any sense to anyone else. Consider yourself pattern testers! If you have any questions or come across any mistakes please, please let me know about it. I would be happy to help you out and appreciate your feedback!

Seriously, I can’t wait to see your blocks start popping up on my newsfeed so keep the posts coming!!
If you have any questions please reach out to me, I’d love to help!
Pumpkin Patched Quilt Along Info
Pumpkin Patched Quilt Along- Week 1
Pumpkin Patched Quilt Along- Week 2
Pumpkin Patched Quilt Along- Week 3
Pumpkin Patched Quilt Along- Week 4
Pumpkin Patched Quilt Along- Week 5
Pumpkin Patched Quilt Along- Week 6
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